OHS Policy

Occupational Health & Safety Policy Statement

SAHARA ENERGY LIMITED has a moral and legal obligation to safeguard, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees and anyone who may be affected by
the actions of the Company, its employees, or as a result of Company activities.

The Company fully accepts their obligations and responsibilities, which will be achieved by:

1. Meeting its responsibilities as an employer to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent
accidents, injuries and damage to health.

2. Providing and maintaining safe working environments that are without risks to health, safety
and welfare.

3. Ensuring all employees play an active part in the health and safety of the Company by con-
sulting with them and providing them with adequate information, instruction, training and
supervision for them to understand their role within the Company.

4. Setting standards that comply with the relevant statutory requirements relating to health,
safety and welfare with regard to the effect on employees, sub-contractors, visitors and the

5. Safeguard employees and others from foreseeable hazards connected with work activities,
processes and working systems.

6. Ensuring that when new substances, plant, machinery, equipment, processes or premises are
introduced, adequate guidance, instruction, training and supervision are provided for safe
methods of work to be developed.

7. Ensuring that all plant and equipment is maintained in a safe condition and is subject to rou-
tine and statutory inspections and examinations.

8. Ensuring that sub-contractors undertaking work for the Company are informed of the relevant
standards required and are monitored to ensure compliance without detracting from the
sub-contractors’ legal responsibilities to comply with statutory requirements.

9. Provide adequate resources to comply with statutory requirements with regards to the health,
safety and welfare of all those affected by its activities.

The Company will communicate the Occupational Health and Safety Policy to all employees, and it
will be freely available to all stakeholders and the general public.

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as required to conform to current legislation.